







        苏峻,1974  年 11 月生,美国注册金融分析师(CFA)。分别于1996年、2001年和2009年获上海交通大学工学学士、Thunderbird,Arizona State University工商管理硕士(MBA),香港中文大学金融学博士。在国内外从事过技术、市场和投资工作。为亚洲金融学会、美国会计学会、美国注册金融分析师协会成员;先后在Journal of Corporate Finance、Journal of Banking & Finance、Journal of Business Ethics、Pacific Basin Finance Journal、Management and Organization Review和《金融研究》等学术期刊上公开发表多篇论文。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,并为相关政府部门、金融机构和企业提供咨询。主要研究领域为公司金融、证券投资和资本市场等。
        Su Jun, female, was born in November 1974, American Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University, a MBA from Thunderbird, Arizona State University, an Finance PHD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong respectively in 1996, 2001 and 2009. She worked in technology, marketing and investment functions both in China and abroad. Being members of Asian Finance Association, American Accounting Association, and American Association of Chartered Financial Analyst, she published in top academic journals such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Management and Organization Review and etc. She also finished investigating two NSFC projects and advised the relevant government departments, financial institutions and corporations. Main research areas include corporate finance, securities investment and capital markets.